Monday, November 14, 2016

Week 7 EOC: Trump and Small Business

“Business owners are divided about which candidate will provide the most beneficial support…”(INC). This quote explains a lot about the decisions America has made on the presidential election. Many business owners were and still are skeptical about both Clinton and Trump’s impact on their businesses. As the president elect, Trump brings a business aspect to the white house, which is one of the most appealing things that business owners see in Trump. “Many business owners feel like the country needs the fresh, non-political perspective of Trump, given the state of the current economy.” (INC). I agree that Trump can do well for businesses, however, it is still too early to form an opinion on Trump’s future actions because he is so unpredictable. Small business owner Brian Smith says that Hilary is more suited for the job. “He told CNBC that he believes Clinton's proposals will make it easier to allow business owners like himself to secure capital for expansions.” (INC). This view is very important because the small business industry’s main issue is lack of cash flow. The lack of cash flow is the number one reason a lot of small business are not successful. Along with their political views I find that Hilary focuses on the small business of America which are the minority of revenue just like she focuses on the ethnic minorities of America. As for Trump, I find he focuses on big successful business that bring in a majority of revenue. Since Trump has been elected, I predict that he will have a negative impact on the small minority businesses and positively affect the big majoritarian businesses, just like his racial views

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